/ Curriculum /
Grade 6: Allowing students to explore, investigate and discover answers to questions they pose from their learning is the key to our Grade 6 program.

Grade 6 is a wonderful stage, as students become more mature and their individual gifts and talents are blossoming. Allowing students to explore, investigate and discover answers to questions they pose from their learning is the key to our Grade 6 program. The activities themselves serve as a springboard for this stage, as one lesson may lead to a fascination in a particular topic that can be followed. Encouraging risk-taking and promoting personal opinions on learning is vital to allow the growth that young minds need to thrive. All subjects are included and Grade 6 features fascinating Novels in English, Maths investigations, Science experiments in Biology/Chemistry/Physics and Earth Sciences, History research, Asian explorations in Geography, Artistic creations, Health discoveries and PE Skill building
Grade 6 provides the students with the chance to examine novels that cause reflection and interest in the world around them. Each Novel provides the background for many interesting discussions on topics such as trust, racism, and friendship. Learning about English text structure including imagery and story plot, become relevant and meaningful in this context. The student becomes invested in their own display that is built throughout the term. Various methods of learning are encouraged, including writing newspaper articles, role-play, and cooking, to reflect learning based on the novel.
Grade 6 math is a hands-on continuation of math principles the students have learnt in the younger grades. The focus is on presenting each topic in a relevant, enjoyable and meaningful way. With the addition of the multi-grade, online program, Matific, students can not only work on the Grade 6 program but extend themselves or catch up on any math aspects they need revision on. Math is best taught as an exciting opportunity to learn more about our world.
Our Grade 6 science program features weekly hands-on experiments on “matter”. Students discover the properties of various materials and how/why they are used. The focus on scientific enquiry is outlined, allowing students to hypothesise and then develop experiments to test their hypothesis.
Geography/History: Research and understanding of the continent of Asia is part of the geography journey that Euka facilitates. Learning about culture, climate, tourism, resources and trade between Asia and Australia, allows the student to have a greater understanding of our country’s relationship with others. In History, the student will examine how Australian society has changed throughout the twentieth century. They will pose and answer questions on why Australia became a nation and the contribution of significant people in history.
In health, the students receive challenge questions to discuss with the family, and research. A good understanding of the way the human body works allows healthy choices to be made. PE lessons are a time of great enjoyment, and allow the student to do some fun structured exercise.
(Drama, Music and Visual Arts)
An exciting variety of art opportunities are presented in Grade 6. Through various art methods, students can experiment and develop their own style of artwork. By analysing artists’ work, both contemporary and classic, students gain valuable insight into what art is, and can inspire new ideas for their own artwork.
Getting started with homeschooling Future learning
Before you get started there are a few important things you need to know about registering with the Department of Education. No need to worry, we have you covered.

No, you don’t have to start from Term 1. You can pick the Starting Term when adding a Full Year to your cart (Foundation through Grade 9).
Enrol for a Full Year and pay up front to enjoy 4 consecutive terms with Euka at a discount.
No, you don’t have to start from Term 1. You can pick the Starting Term when adding a Full Year to your cart (Foundation through Grade 9). Enrol for a Full Year and pay up front to enjoy 4 consecutive terms with Euka at a discount.

You can start at any time throughout the year. Simply pick the Starting Term when adding a Full Year to your cart (Foundation through Grade 9).
Enrol for a Full Year and pay up front to enjoy 4 consecutive terms with Euka at a discount.
You can start at any time throughout the year. Simply pick the Starting Term when adding a Full Year to your cart (Foundation through Grade 9). Enrol for a Full Year and pay up front to enjoy 4 consecutive terms with Euka at a discount.

You have complete flexibility with how you schedule in the week’s work. As long as you meet the Department minimum requirements, you can do it any way that works for your family. Each individual is different, so you can tailor the schedule to your child’s needs.
You have complete flexibility with how you schedule in the week’s work. As long as you meet the Department minimum requirements, you can do it any way that works for your family. Each individual is different, so you can tailor the schedule to your child’s needs.

You have complete flexibility with how you schedule in the week’s work. As long as you meet the Department minimum requirements you can do it any way that works for your family. Each individual is different so you can tailor the schedule to your child’s needs.
You have complete flexibility with how you schedule in the week’s work. As long as you meet the Department minimum requirements you can do it any way that works for your family. Each individual is different so you can tailor the schedule to your child’s needs.

The Department of Education requires that you cover the full curriculum. Most families choose to cover the program by doing one lesson of Maths and English and 1 other subject per day.
Each week contains 5 lessons for Maths, 5 lessons of English, PLUS we also include lessons for all other subjects so you can choose one other subject per day. This will become a minimum of 2 other subjects per day in high school grades.
The Department of Education requires that you cover the full curriculum. Most families choose to cover the program by doing one lesson of Maths and English and 1 other subject per day. Each week contains 5 lessons for Maths, 5 lessons of English, PLUS we also include lessons for all other subjects so you can […]

Yes, we include all the answers for parents, so you have full transparency. You can find the answers in the “Getting Started” section of the Euka online portal. You will also find these in the “Parent Handbook.”
Yes, we include all the answers for parents, so you have full transparency. You can find the answers in the “Getting Started” section of the Euka online portal. You will also find these in the “Parent Handbook.”
Enrolment options to best suit your needs
Grade 6
Term Enrolment
$209 AUD every 3 months
Ideal for short term or evaluating if homeschooling is right for your family
90 days of access to your individualised single term program
No premium services available
Pay upfront and SAVE 19%
Grade 6
Yearly Enrolment
Paid upfront
$776 AUD
$626 AUD per year
Best for full-time homeschooling
365 days of access to your individualised 4 term program
FREE membership to LiteracyPlanet and Matific (valued at $140 AUD)
Optional premium services>
Government Registration and Reporting – Bundle
Grade 6
Yearly Enrolment
Paid over 4 instalments
$194 AUD every 3 months
Total yearly amount $776 AUD
Best for full-time homeschooling
365 days of access to your individualised 4 term program
FREE membership to LiteracyPlanet and Matific (valued at $140 AUD)
Optional premium services>
Government Registration and Reporting – Bundle