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Ten questions to help you determine whether homeschooling can work for you
Homeschooling in Australia is legally recognised and is the current educational structure for over 20,000 registered students in the country. Even while homeschooling, online homeschool curriculum, is steadily on the rise. Some families are not sure if it’s the right choice for their children and household as a whole. Homeschooling in Australia is extremely rewarding and is becoming increasingly popular, but it’s important to ask yourself the right questions before you embark on the homeschool adventure. If you’re considering homeschooling your child in Australia, read through these thought points to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. If everything checks out, welcome yourself to the global homeschooling community and get started!
why do you want to homeschool your child?
It’s important to ask yourself why you want to take on homeschooling to see if your answers support a healthy decision making process. Write down your top reasons and see if they are coming from within you, or from some external pressure about which choice is “the right one”. Ultimately, homeschooling needs to be something that feels right to you and your family, regardless of what others say or do. Ultimately if your decision is based on your love for your children and desire to do what they require, you cannot go wrong. A Euka education means that if down the track, moving back into mainstream school is the next step, your children will be fully equipped and in most cases in front of their peers.
do you want to be intimately involved in your child’s education?
You helped your kids learn how to walk, talk, read books, and so much more. If you want to stay part of the process and have some influence on the way they learn important life skills, homeschooling might be a good option for you. Euka teachers work tirelessly to develop exciting hands on lessons, so you can enjoy being a learning support to your children.
do you have enough time?
Homeschooling does require a parent or guardian to be at home with their child during school hours, depending on age. Luckily for homeschooling families, you can choose which hours you will put aside for schooling. This allows you to ensure you can be present to answer questions if needed. Getting together with other Euka homeschool families and developing learning groups can be helpful, but not everyone has that available to them. Using Euka online homeschool curriculum is extremely efficient and cuts out many hours of lesson organisation.
The best part about taking time for homeschooling your kids is that you end up spending a lot more time together and it can be wonderful for family bonding.
Following on from previous, are you prepared to be around your kids all day?
If you don’t have a local homeschool community and you’re planning on doing the full time learning support, it’s important that you have the enthusiasm and patients to be with them all day. While this may sound potentially tiring and stressful, most families tend to enjoy their added time together and find ways to create some peace and quiet when needed.
what are your support systems?
Check out websites and local groups to see whether there are other homeschooling families in the area, or in reasonable travel distance. It’s helpful to have a support network that you can access for opportunities to get together with other kids. You’d be surprised at how much support is out there. The Euka parents have their own Facebook group. A perfect place to find others nearby.
do you believe that education should suit your child, rather than be standardised?
If you grapple with the one-size-fits-all model of mainstream education, then homeschooling might be the perfect option for you and your family. Euka is passionate about tailoring the program to fit each child, rather than expecting them to fit a developed program. Even with the Euka online homeschool curriculum, you can be flexible in your hours and pace of learning, as well as setting the focus on certain strengths or interests.
do you have concerns about your child’s experience at school?
Some children have suffered from extensive bullying, peer pressure, self-esteem issues, and other negative influences that come with the mainstream school system. While all issues have the potential to be resolved, sometimes it’s the most beneficial option for your child to enjoy home education from the comfort of their own home where they can socialise in more positive, homeschool community centred gatherings. Euka Homeschool children tend to have higher self-esteem and don’t concern themselves as much with “fitting in”.
is everyone in your family on board?
If you are in a two-parent family, are both parents totally into the idea and ready to support the process? Often, the decision to homeschool means shifting around schedules or perhaps earning less income if one person takes off some work hours in order to do the schooling. You will no doubt enjoy the support of the greater homeschool community, but first and foremost your family all needs to be on board. If everyone is a yes, the process is likely to be much smoother with wonderful outcomes.
are you “Qualified” to be a teacher?
Many parents worry that they are ill-equipped to be a full time teacher for their kids. Take off some of the pressure. With the Euka homeschool curriculum you can successfully homeschool your child. Many parents worry that they aren’t qualified to teach their children, but especially with a practical, hands on/online curriculum, it is completely achievable. During homeschooling, the kids tend to do a lot of self-education and you will also learn a lot alongside your child. A team of teachers take a full year to write 4 Terms of a Euka program. This allows you to enjoy the role of learning support, and really gives you peace of mind.
are you ready to start?
If you’ve gone through these points of consideration and you’re feeling excited about the idea of using a homeschool curriculum, go on and get started!
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