Reclaim Your Family Time: A 3 Step Method to Controlling Your Childs Screen Time

We hear regularly from parents concerned with the long hours their kids spend in front of screens. As the weather is getting colder, it is not uncommon for parents to feel worried their children aren’t getting outdoors, socialising, reading or creating enough. Conscientious parents feel like they must do something to remedy the situation.

Most often, well-intentioned parents’ first strategy to tackle the screen time dilemma is by restricting usage. “You can have two hours on the computer and that’s it.” Naturally enough, this approach is most often met with groans, resentment and at times conflict. As with all aspects of parenting, there are many “right” ways to go about things and the very best thing to do is try a few strategies and see what works best for your family.

An alternative strategy that works with some families is to avoid restrictions of this kind. Instead, like all the tricky moments that pop up in a day, consider navigating screen time as an opportunity for learning—both on your part and your child’s.

1. Start the Dialogue

Begin a dialogue with your son or daughter that starts with questions. “I notice that you’ve been on your computer a lot lately. Will you show me some of the things you’ve been enjoying the most?” You may be surprised to find your child has been learning to code or is studying a foreign language, or reading about politics (not necessarily common). It may be your child has a favourite game they are getting very good at or they’re learning new dance moves on YouTube. Show that you are interested. Engage with whatever it is your child is doing online.

2. Agree, Together

Once you know what your child is doing online, you’ll have a better sense of determining how much time he actually needs there in order to accomplish specific goals. Come up with what’s a reasonable amount of time together. This is a wonderful way for your child to learn time management—an invaluable skill essential to ensuring his success in the future.

3. Find Alternative Options

Once you and your child have determined what constitutes a reasonable length of time on the computer, discuss how the rest of the day can be better managed. Find out what else your child would like to do. It may be that she has lots of ideas, but you may also be surprised to find your child has no idea what to do if she isn’t on their computer. Here’s your chance to get creative and offer some meaningful suggestions. Maybe some social outings, excursions, cooking adventures or art projects. Think outside the box. Surprise your child. Offer your children something they won’t be able to resist.

One of the beautiful things about the season we are in is the time it allows us to rest, go inward a bit, and explore important skills like time management. Enter into these talks with joy, affirmation, love and positivity—your children are learning such great things.

3rd Oct

Euka stories – The Rogers

Welcome to the first series of Euka Stories. The purpose of this series is to give you a glimpse into the everyday lives of homeschooling families by shedding light on their challenges, triumphs, and trials. Our first story is about one of our family’s – The Rogers, who are travelling around Australia with their 2 […]

Euka stories – The Rogers

Welcome to the first series of Euka Stories. The purpose of this series is to give you a glimpse into the everyday lives of homeschooling families by shedding light on their challenges, triumphs, and trials. Our first story is about one of our family’s – The Rogers, who are travelling around Australia with their 2 […]

What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler.

21st Aug

What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler

More and more parents are finding themselves facing the task of homeschooling without the luxury of time and research.  This can occur due to various circumstances such as a sudden change in health diagnosis, a bullying incident, a family’s decision to move, or external factors that disrupt regular school attendance.  Accidental homeschooling often involves parents […]

What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler

More and more parents are finding themselves facing the task of homeschooling without the luxury of time and research.  This can occur due to various circumstances such as a sudden change in health diagnosis, a bullying incident, a family’s decision to move, or external factors that disrupt regular school attendance.  Accidental homeschooling often involves parents […]

How to help your child find their Voice

14th Aug

How to help your child find their Voice

It may sound unnecessary to help your child find their voice when they are constantly demanding and outspoken, however helping a child find their voice means more than letting them say whatever they like, whenever they like. Finding their voice allows them to communicate effectively and appropriately. It is supporting and empowering them to develop […]

How to help your child find their Voice

It may sound unnecessary to help your child find their voice when they are constantly demanding and outspoken, however helping a child find their voice means more than letting them say whatever they like, whenever they like. Finding their voice allows them to communicate effectively and appropriately. It is supporting and empowering them to develop […]

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