8 Tips for Homeschooling with ADHD

There are no two children the same. No two children with ADHD are the same. 

When it comes to homeschooling children with ADHD, getting some advice and trying some tips can make the process so much smoother. Some tips may work better for your child than others. 

There is no doubt that homeschooling a child with ADHD can be a rewarding and effective way to provide them with an education tailored to their unique needs. 

The Euka team has gathered some strategies and tips that have helped other parents when embarking on homeschooling a child with ADHD.

Tip 1. Gaining an understanding of ADHD is clearly the best place to start. 

Educate yourself about ADHD, including its symptoms, challenges, and strategies for managing it. This knowledge will help you develop effective teaching strategies and support your child’s learning.

In order to do this you might find it helpful to read reputable information sources, consult professionals, attend workshops, connect with support groups, and utilise online resources. These websites often include fact sheets, guides, and resources for parents. 

Remember, ADHD is a complex disorder, and there is a wide range of information available. It’s essential to critically evaluate sources and ensure they are reputable and evidence-based.

By staying informed and continuously seeking knowledge, you can develop a deeper understanding of ADHD and effectively support your child’s needs.

Tip 2. Let go of a school mindset but create a great plan.

Your homeschool plan doesn’t have to look like the public school up the road. Your child doesn’t have to do schoolwork for hours on end, sit at a desk, or raise their hand to ask questions. 

Let go of that notion and do what works for your family. 

Remember: Children with ADHD usually benefit from having a predictable routine. Establish a daily schedule that includes specific times for learning activities, breaks, meals, and other necessary tasks. 

Maintain consistency to help your child stay focused and organised. 

Using the Euka portal provides your child with clear insight into what each week holds and then allows for flexibility in coverage.

Tip 3. Individualise instruction.

Tailor your teaching methods to your child’s learning style and preferences. Experiment with different approaches, such as visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic methods, to determine what works best for your child. If the lesson isn’t working, make adjustments. 

Read aloud instead of assigning your child independent reading. Let them answer questions orally if writing is too difficult. Practice math facts while jumping on the trampoline. 

And if you find you need subject-level adjustment, reach out to the Euka teaching team. It is vital your child is enjoying learning at the level that works best for them. 

Tip 4. Get and stay organised.

Organisation is key for an ADHD brain. Work together with your child to create a calm, clutter-free environment and develop routines to better manage their time. 

By including them in the process, you’ll build their confidence and give them tools they can use for the rest of their lives. It can help to write out a checklist. It’s important for kids with ADHD to have a clear picture of what is expected of them, broken down into bite-size steps. Plus, checking things off a list offers a sense of achievement and a visual representation of the work they’ve completed (and what’s left!).

Encouraging your child to mark “complete” on their Euka portal is a satisfying reward for a job well done. It may be helpful to provide a distraction-free environment: Create a dedicated learning space that is free from distractions as much as possible. 

Minimise background noise, keep the area organised, and remove unnecessary visual stimuli that may divert attention. Of course, other children prefer not to sit at a desk. There’s no need to make your child sit at a desk if that is not what works best for them.

Sit around the kitchen table, on the couch, on the floor, outside on the deck…wherever they (and you!) are comfortable. You can also let them sit on an exercise ball or buy kick bands for the bottom of their chair if they like to wiggle and move. Or, kids don’t even have to SIT at all. Let them stand if they want. 

Some kids focus better when they can stand or pace back and forth.

Tip 5. Use Learning Strategies that work best for your child. 

Break tasks into manageable chunks: ADHD can make it challenging for children to concentrate for long periods. Break down lessons and assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks. Set clear goals and provide regular breaks to prevent overwhelm.

Use visual aids and hands-on activities: 

Visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, and illustrations, can enhance learning for children with ADHD. Incorporate the Euka hands-on activities, manipulatives, and interactive materials to make learning more engaging and practical. 

Engage multiple senses during learning to enhance attention and retention. For example, encourage your child to read aloud, use tactile materials, listen to audiobooks, or incorporate music and rhymes into lessons.

Tip 6. Incorporate movement breaks.

Children with ADHD often benefit from incorporating movement breaks during study sessions. Allow short breaks for physical activity, such as stretching, jumping jacks, or a quick walk, to help your child release excess energy and improve focus. 

For most kids (with or without ADHD), it’s best to keep schoolwork to short blocks of time with plenty of breaks in between. Ideally, plan to spend no more than 15-20 minutes on any given activity before taking a short break.

Let your child take a short walk, step outside for some fresh air, do a few jumping jacks, drink a glass of water, eat a snack, or use the restroom — anything to break up the monotony and allow them to come back feeling refreshed.

Tip 7. Set up a snack station.

Kids have fast metabolisms and when hungry, it’s hard to concentrate. Being home allows you to make sure healthy snacks are readily available and easy to access. 

Setting up a snack station is one way to achieve this goal. The caveat is that you need to set clear boundaries so kids know what they can eat and when. 

For example, sweet snacks on the top shelf are for special occasions. Or, no eating within thirty minutes of mealtime.

Tip 8. Use positive reinforcement.

Praise and reward your child for their efforts and achievements. Positive reinforcement can help motivate and encourage your child’s progress. Consider using a token system or a reward chart to track and reinforce desired behaviours and accomplishments.

It’s totally possible to homeschool a child with ADHD. 

In fact, it’s likely they’ll thrive at home, away from the pressures of trying to conform to a box they were never supposed to fit into. Remember that every child with ADHD is unique, and it may take time to find the strategies that work best for your child. 

The Euka support team is always here by phone or email to make adjustments to your child’s program as needed. 

Stay patient, flexible, and adaptive, adjusting your approach as needed to create a supportive and successful learning environment for your child.

To read more about the benefits of homeschooling with Euka Future Learning, where you’ll find the guidance, resources, and support you need to provide your child with a quality education, visit www.euka.edu.au 

Remember, Euka Future Learning is here to guide you through the entire homeschooling process and ensure your child receives a quality education tailored to their needs.

The EUKA curriculum offers a well-rounded, interest-based approach tailored to your child’s unique needs and learning style. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to provide your child with an enriching and enjoyable learning experience.

Contact us at (02) 7257 7900 and speak to one of our team about your child’s future learning.

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