This month in Euka we have seen two big developments. Firstly we have our new Euka electives and short courses ready to roll out in the coming weeks, and secondly, we have added some new Active Learning questions to the Highschool Portal which will be released for Term 3. Add to this the amazing Euka “students of the month” and the huge variety of events on around the country and you have a bumper load of excitement.
Read on to find out more.
BRAND NEW Euka Electives & Short Courses – Coming Soon!
The Euka teaching team have worked all year on over 100 new courses! These can be added directly to your portal and will be available in the coming weeks! All these Euka courses are aligned to not only the Australian curriculum but also the State curriculums. No longer are there electives that can be chosen by only some States. All courses can be chosen regardless of which State you are in. Each Euka elective course is 10 weeks in length (1 Term). They are designed to cover 25 hours per Unit. These courses are not sequential and can be done in any order. You can do individual courses from any subject OR move through all the courses in one subject to receive a Statement of Attainment Award. For example, if all 8 Dance Certificates are achieved you will be entitled to the Euka Statement of Attainment in Dance. These Statements of Attainment can be added to your resume as evidence of your level of learning in that area. These courses have been designed to demonstrate a high level of achievement, evidence of learning and practical experience.
How to start:
You will use the elective selection form found in the Grade 9 & 10 “Getting Started Resources” section of your portal.
Choose 2 Subject areas – then choose 1 starting course in each subject area. For example:
Subject 1: Creative Arts – Dance – Certificate in Elements of Dance – Choreography
Subject 2: Photographic and Digital Media – Certificate in Digital Moving Works
Please note: If you are in NSW you must do four of the same subject to cover a year of that elective. If you are in Vic, you must do at least one Creative Arts and one Language before moving on to enjoy other courses.
Active Learning comes to the Euka Portal: Grades 7-10
From Term 3, you will find that optional questions will appear within lessons in English, Science, History or Geography, encouraging the students to be active learners, using their learning as they go, and checking and updating their responses. The benefits include – less printed activity sheets, automatic marking, and instant feedback.
We have even added a new function so you can mark complete on each individual English and Maths lesson.
So how does it work?
Variety is the key. There is a huge array of new types of questions. From crosswords that are instantly marked, to questions aimed at having students share their understanding. Students can “check” their answers, and most importantly have the opportunity to update their answers based on their new understanding.
How Will Activity Sheets Work?
You will have the choice of printing the full activity sheets OR printing the compressed version that only includes questions or activities not able to be embedded in the lessons. You can even print the activity sheets with your answers already included.
Watch the following video for a walk through:
Supporting the Euka Homeschooling community is our passion and we trust you will find these new additions will make the journey even better.
Parent Account
Following a new purchase, parents will automatically be created a “parent account”. Login details will have been sent to the email address you used at the time of purchase. If you are a returning family, you will already have access to this account. The parent account is separate from the student portal.
Via the parent account you can view items such as student progress, parent documents, payment plan information (if applicable), adjust payment details and more.

Please contact Euka at if you are having any difficulty with logging into your parent account and we’ll be more than happy to assist.
Save the Date:
1st June – first Day of Winter – Why not Host a Winter Party
In Australia, the seasons are defined by grouping the calendar months in the following way:
- Spring – the three transition months September, October and November.
- Summer – the three hottest months December, January and February.
- Autumn – the transition months March, April and May.
- Winter – the three coldest months June, July and August.
World Environment Day
Sunday 5th June

Organisation: United Nations
World Environment Day aims to be the world’s biggest and most widely celebrated environmental action event.
National/State: International
World Oceans Day
Wednesday 8th June

Organisation: United Nations
The official designation of World Oceans Day is an opportunity to raise global awareness of the challenges faced by the international community in connection with the oceans. The lungs of our planet, provide most of the oxygen we breathe, the oceans are also a major source of food and medicines and a critical part of the biosphere.
National/State: International
Global Wind Day
Wednesday 15th June

In more than 75 countries around the world, wind farms are in operation, generating energy from a clean and renewable source. Global Wind Day is a worldwide event for discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world.
National/State: International
Euka Students of the Month!
This month the fantastic work continues to flow in. The following students have been chosen as students of the month! Don’t forget you can email in pictures of your child’s work to be in the running. Well done to all these creative students!
Michael – Grade 4 – Well done Michael. You have created a wonderful ecosystem. I am sure many animals would love to live in an environment like that!

Ava – Grade 1- Ava, your postcard to Tracey is incredible! Your spelling and writing are lovely. You have given fabulous details about where you went, what you did, including how far you walked and what you discovered. Your work is clear, concise and informative. Keep up the good work!

Johnny Grade 6 – This is a spectacular example of up-cycled art! Your choice of a can, craft beads and leaves allow a fantastic new purpose for these items. Your painting techniques are awesome. The colour of the paints are terrific. The imagery and ideas you have created are creative and unique. The leaves in your art are an eco-friendly addition to your artwork. You have produced an inspiring artwork using mixed media to support recycling. Congratulations!

Lexi – Mouse and the Motorcycle- Lexi, your sketch of the “Mouse and the Motorcycle” is an appealing original artwork! All artists have their own way of creating a picture. The image of the mouse is fantastic! The motorcycle was a challenge to draw but you did it! Amazing effort!

Foundation Student – Term 2