Euka News – Welcome to 2022

We have some exciting new upgrades taking place at Euka in 2022.

As you may have noticed, we have been busy adding instructional content to the Euka Maths program. With over 3,500 new Maths lessons now online, you will be well prepared for your weekly lessons.

New High School Activity Sheets have been completed and are already found in the Term 1 programs!

These new activity sheets have been updated, reformatted and include fillable boxes for your answers. They can still be printed and used offline OR you can have your child type in their answers and print off work as they do it. Others will fill in answers and store them online in a folder until needed. For many students, this will be a huge advantage as handwriting will no longer hold them back in their learning.

During 2022, Euka has a team working on adding some optional, interactive questions to lessons in the High School Grades. This will allow student answers to be marked automatically, display the correct answer and allow them to retry.

This will be a game changer for busy parents who want to be able to just log-in and see how their child has done, rather than marking it all themselves. More information on this will be provided next month.