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How to Homeschool while YOU Work

Since Covid-19, more and more people have found themselves working from home, which has also provided more time to enjoy homeschooling. There are many misconceptions about homeschooling, and one misconception that results in many people writing off homeschooling is the idea that it’s something only stay-at-home parents can do.
While it is true that a lot of Homeschool families have one parent who is at home full-time, that is not true for all. We run the gamut! Many Homeschool parents work from home as Virtual Assistants, Web Designers, or for internet-based companies. Others have jobs outside the home. And, yes, some have full-time jobs or work unusual hours.
However, due to the flexible nature of homeschooling, it is possible to Homeschool even if you work full-time or have a crazy schedule. It may require some experimentation and creative scheduling, but it can be done. Here are a few tips on how to Homeschool when you have a full-time job.
Plan Homeschool around your Work Schedule
With a program like Euka, most families find that their kids can work online while they do. Look at your work schedule and deduce what times you need to devote to silent work times and others where duel Homeschool/work fits. Some parents prefer to start early and have schooling over before they begin their own work.
If you work the graveyard shift, perhaps you could set aside a couple of hours during the day for schooling. If your schedule is all over the place, embrace the flexibility of homeschooling to have kids complete their lessons in a flexible schedule. Having the Euka online portal where you can view completed work is extremely helpful.
Make the Most of Your Time
Keep in mind that quality trumps quantity. The number of hours you spend homeschooling your kids isn’t as important as what they are learning, how they are learning, or how well they can apply what they learn.
So don’t fret if you can only fit in a few hours here and there. Focus on making the most of those hours. One of the joys of homeschooling is that it can be used as part of your family time rather than separate from it. For example, you could do PE as a family in the afternoon or spend time doing science experiments after dinner. Learning can be really fun when done as a family.
Enrol in a full Education Program
One way to make the most of the time you have to dedicate to homeschooling is to spend as little of that time as possible planning your lessons. When you enrol with Euka, your lesson plans are completed for you.
Of course, you can always supplement where needed, but supplementing lessons takes a lot less time (and mental energy) than creating all of the lessons from scratch.
Euka also includes a significant amount of independent work, so your children can complete some work even when you’re not teaching lessons.
Consider Hiring a Tutor
If it’s affordable for you, hiring a tutor to teach particular subjects while you are at work or busy can be a huge help. This way, you can be sure your child is receiving a quality education even if you are away, and you can support them when you have free time. Knowing that your tutor can also use the Euka lessons means they are clear on what your child is learning. Some families get together and hire a tutor to work with a group, which is a handy way to get children together.
(It’s okay to ask for outside help – contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to do everything on your own!)
Join a Homeschool Co-op
Another way to make the most of your free time is to join or create a homeschool co-op that meets when you and/or your partner are available. Many co-ops meet weekly and use a variety of Euka classes that range from practical to fun. Some meet weekly to do Euka Art lessons, while others may focus on science or a mix of many subjects. As mentioned previously, hiring a tutor to work with a group is a cost-efficient way to do it too.
This can be a wonderful way to introduce your kids to subjects you may not be able to teach or to get extra practice with anything they struggle with or enjoy. Plus, getting together with other homeschool parents can help you stay motivated and encouraged on this path.
It’s not a bad idea to connect with homeschool parents who have full-time jobs to gain additional advice from them, not to mention sharing learning days, which is becoming more popular. In this case, the kids all meet and learn at one house one day a week and another house on a different day.
When homeschooling, the main thing is to be creative and resourceful – those skills are often the backbone of achieving any goal.