
Homeschooling: Why You Should Be Thinking About It

Schools haven’t changed much over the last 50 years, but how children learn has. There are many more expectations on children and curriculum to get through, and everything must follow a strict timeline. However, what works for some students doesn’t necessarily have the same effect on others. 

Some children learn better with a hands-on approach; others learn best with tailored programs, and schools don’t always have the time to cater to varying learning styles. With shifting education perspectives, there are simple ways to build on existing curriculum frameworks when you have the flexibility to do so. 

Students can thrive with individualised programs focusing on their strengths by combining technologies and real-world experiences. You’re not alone if you’ve been considering homeschooling your children, as the numbers are continually increasing and have been doing so for the last decade. So, we have put together a guide on why you should consider homeschooling and how it can benefit your young learners.

What is Homeschooling

Homeschooling is creating a way forward for learners who don’t thrive in a traditionally flawed educational system. It means they learn within their home and the community rather than in an educational institution. 

Contrary to popular belief, you won’t be home all of the time. Homeschoolers typically spend time with lessons online, meeting with other families schooling from home and engaging in community experiences that support their education. It’s an innovative way to engage in learning.

When learning in a homeschooling situation, much time is spent in less than traditional learning and instead engaging in outdoor exploration, hands-on-experiences, a lot of reading, travelling and taking advantage of available educational resources.

Making Discoveries With Your Child

Many families choose homeschooling as a choice for their children because it works. It’s not uncommon that children are better learners when in a familiar, individualised learning space, which this form of education provides. It’s also a choice because the family travels or commitment to the state and country representation of sports.

Whatever reason a family chooses this form of education, it enables a time of discovery with your child and customises the experience. Other reasons it’s the education style of choice include:

Flexible Learning

Some children need time to work at their own pace to understand information properly, whereas others work and understand concepts quickly. Given the flexible nature of learning from home, they can learn at their pace without comparing themselves to others and with a lot less pressure.

Given that students can be on a schedule that works for them and their families, travelling while learning is possible without interrupting their progress. It’s a super flexible option that makes it worth considering.

Efficient Learning

With a more one-on-one learning environment, there is less wasted time and more learning efficiency. Students achieve much more in less time when homeschooled than in the classroom with traditional school learning. 

There’s no time spent waiting for others, which means when your child has finished a section, they don’t need to wait on the whole class to move on to the next part. 

Tailored Programs

Whatever approach you take with homeschooling, programs are tailored to fit your child’s needs. When undergoing programs like Euka, you can expect that if your child is working fast through specific subjects, they can move up to a higher level and continue to work in a self-paced environment.

Confidence Booster

As your child’s teacher, you are in a supportive role to help boost their confidence; however, some children thrive better when learning independently and are their own champions. Positive interactions, not being in an environment where they aren’t being compared to others and being given a platform to be their best self are all contributing factors. 

Opportunities for Exploration

Schooling from home offers opportunities to discover the world around them, whether in their yard, the community around them, travelling across the country or when online learning with Euka

It’s also the opportunity to share your child’s joy of exploration with them. Nurturing your child’s curiosity and desire for exploration helps them pursue a love of learning and knowledge.

Misconceptions Around Homeschooling

Unsocialised Children

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding homeschooling is that the children are not socialised and miss out on creating valuable early friendships. As mentioned previously, children are not just learning within the home and spend time in the community, often with other homeschooling families.

It’s not uncommon for homeschooled children to have positive socialisation experiences because they aren’t exposed to bullying and other school playground dramas, and spend time engaged in community experiences and programs.

Disliking Education

It’s a misconceived idea that your child will dislike education. It’s perfectly normal for a child to want to do something other than school work, which is typical of any educated child. It’s not uncommon for children who are homeschooled to be curious learners.

Positive, Proactive Homeschooling: Supporting You & Your Child

Learning online and at home with Euka enables your children to experience the best at-home education. It’s a good source of education for many different types of learners for various reasons and allows flexibility in learning.

The one-on-one attention a parent can give their child during their education years opens doors for many opportunities for discovery, curiosity, and flexible learning. It’s also an opportunity to help build your child’s confidence by allowing them to learn at a pace that works with them without feeling confined by the restrictions of a traditional classroom environment.

While parental approaches to a child’s learning differ from family to family, you should consider how it will benefit you and your child with the support of relevant practical activities from a program like Euka Future Learning. The design of our input is to respect the individual knowledge styles, including challenges and giftings, and encourage a perfectly blended educational experience.

3rd Oct

Euka stories – The Rogers

Welcome to the first series of Euka Stories. The purpose of this series is to give you a glimpse into the everyday lives of homeschooling families by shedding light on their challenges, triumphs, and trials. Our first story is about one of our family’s – The Rogers, who are travelling around Australia with their 2 […]

Euka stories – The Rogers

Welcome to the first series of Euka Stories. The purpose of this series is to give you a glimpse into the everyday lives of homeschooling families by shedding light on their challenges, triumphs, and trials. Our first story is about one of our family’s – The Rogers, who are travelling around Australia with their 2 […]

What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler.

21st Aug

What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler

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What To Do if you find yourself an Accidental Homeschooler

More and more parents are finding themselves facing the task of homeschooling without the luxury of time and research.  This can occur due to various circumstances such as a sudden change in health diagnosis, a bullying incident, a family’s decision to move, or external factors that disrupt regular school attendance.  Accidental homeschooling often involves parents […]

How to help your child find their Voice

14th Aug

How to help your child find their Voice

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How to help your child find their Voice

It may sound unnecessary to help your child find their voice when they are constantly demanding and outspoken, however helping a child find their voice means more than letting them say whatever they like, whenever they like. Finding their voice allows them to communicate effectively and appropriately. It is supporting and empowering them to develop […]

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