
What is Future Learning?

As the world we live in changes to embrace the future, how and what we teach in our education system will also be reshaped to keep up to date with the growing demands of the 21st century. It is key to understand that everyone learns differently, and understanding the different ways that humans learn is crucial to educational success. Parents and students alike can greatly benefit from understanding how learning works for different students. By understanding how learning happens, educators can maximise their efforts and create learning environments where learners can thrive. 

The future of education will see students become partners or co-creators of their own learning.

1. Anywhere, anytime learning

As we ride the wave of the digital era, it is becoming easier to get connected with a global reach. A world of information is at your fingertips with the click of a button or a simple voice command, and as technology continues to advance, students need to grow their learning with it.

Technology is no longer a motivating factor when it comes to learning, it is a must. It’s something that needs to be incorporated in the future of education to ensure students are equipped with the skills to cope in a world dependent on technology.

While some argue that technology in our learning creates lazy and disconnected students, the reality is that technology has created endless boundaries of where learning can occur, with whom and why.

The reality is “education” can be anywhere, anytime, students can be working on projects in virtual contexts with other students from around the world at any given moment.

Technological advances have enabled interconnectedness of information and people with the touch of a button.

Education in the future will need to demonstrate how technology can be used to students’ advantage, as well as teach future generations how to handle problems that arise from it.

2. Customisation for a learner-first approach

Alongside our changing notions of what constitutes an educational environment, our ideas about the way learning is delivered must also be reshaped.

Most professions treat each individual’s case differently – each patient of a doctor has individualised treatment plans. Education should be no different.

The old ‘one model of teaching and learning fits all’ is outdated and has no place in the agenda for future education. Parents, teachers or tutors will become facilitators of learning and students will have more control of their own learning journey.

In the past, all children did the same work regardless of ability or skills. We now know that this contributes to disengagement, misbehaviour and poor outcomes. A quick glance around a typical classroom and the problem becomes clear, the disconnected students are the result of a lesson not fulfilling that child’s particular needs.

As a result, education will be based on individualised learning plans for students, which will enable each student to learn at a pace that best suits their abilities and to engage with content that is most beneficial to them.

A combination of evidence-gathering and feedback from parents and students will enable these plans to be successfully integrated into the education system.

To maximise the potential for individual progress, teacher developed student-led learning will remain which will augment traditional learning practices when combined with online digital media.

The education of tomorrow needs to focus on a combination of student engagement in learning, enquiry-based approaches, curiosity, imagination, and design thinking. Euka has brought this “Future learning” into the present.

3. Putting testing to the test

Have you ever asked yourself, “what are we testing for?”. Students today are heavily focused on the end result – achieving that high score. Education of the future will prove what you have been told many times before: results do not define you.

Testing ultimately demonstrates the ability for recall. When evaluating the effectiveness of learning we need to discover WHAT to know and what they know, not how well they remember content. Assessments in the future will be evidence based, using measures that allow learning plans to be drawn up and personalised.

The ultimate goal must be to allow students to discover if they are able to use the learning in practical transferable situations. As a result, Euka ensures that work samples are chosen carefully and used for assessment, allowing students to demonstrate their mastery in relevant contexts.

4. Educators of the future

Curriculum teaching and learning already extends well beyond the classroom and will continue to do so. As education changes to suit the future’s needs, the role of the Euka teachers has already shifted to curriculum writers, lesson planners, collaborators, curriculum experts, synthesisers, problem-solvers, and researchers.

The role of learning support is in many cases taken up by the experts in support……parents.

Parents have the privilege and opportunity to empower students to take risks, be innovative and seize any opportunity thrown their way. Home education is the perfect atmosphere of security and love to enable such bold learning.

Euka embraces and epitomises Future Learning. How is Euka’s success measured? One look at the connected, fulfilled, and well-equipped students embracing their future with confidence says it all.

10th Feb

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Why Homeschooling is Actually ‘World-schooling’

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5th Feb

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7 Signs Your Child is Silently Struggling at School (And What You Can Actually Do About It)

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28th Jan

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When BULLYING Impacts Learning: Finding a Better Path

When we recently surveyed our Euka families, social challenges and bullying emerged as the primary catalyst for choosing alternative education. This aligns with concerning national trends, as reported by Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, showing there was a 37% increase in actionable cyberbullying complaints by young people in the past year. The Current Landscape: These statistics reflect […]

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