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Businesses are Just Discovering What Homeschoolers Knew for Decades
For many of us, the realisation that classrooms don’t prepare young people for success in their life and career is obvious. Often, they create the conveyor belt approach to education. It is often discussed among new homeschoolers that when children step out of the classroom and into the world, they discover that real learning is a lot more fun, varied, and valuable than chasing the same paper as everyone else.
Education extends beyond youth and school. The biggest part of any profession is the learning that must take place to master any job, gig, or project. Professionals from start-ups to Fortune 500’s are beginning to realise that experience beats grades too. With homeschoolers in High school available to add some work into their learning week, the internship is making a comeback and it’s not just for blacksmiths and welders, but for everyone from marketing to salespeople to operations experts and more.
On the job learning, shadowing those with more knowledge and skill, experimentation, and value creating projects are taking the place of arbitrary assignments and grades. Apprenticeships and Internships are the future talent and training funnel for the fastest growing companies.
There are great insights for learning that are embodied in this model.
The best personal and professional growth comes from…
Interest, not credentials
It all starts with motivation and incentives. If you’re doing something just for the grade, you’re unlikely to really be transformed by the process. Real education is a process that transforms your brain, forming new pathways and paradigms. Following rules and dutifully spitting out papers and multiple-choice responses don’t really enlighten and assist you to grow. You’ll always take the path of least resistance and maximum external reward.
Genuine interest drives transformation. When value creation is the outcome instead of rule-following it creates the incentive for innovation and growth. When you’re working at a real company that can’t afford to make up valueless assignments you will learn quickly. When you choose to be there and need to prove they should hire you full-time, you have no choice but to learn.
Doing, not memorising
Euka has long been a thought leader in this space. All assessments require the student to use their knowledge in a practical and relevant way. Who is more impressive, someone that read a marketing textbook and passed a test, or someone who built and launched a landing page and email campaign that had a 40% open rate and sold 500 units? All the facts in the world are useless without context. Facts are also pretty easy to come by and can be learned very quickly when the need arises. You can take a yearlong class on formulas in a spreadsheet and walk away with very little. But when you need to figure out how to crunch complex numbers ASAP for a business proposal, a little Googling and a few YouTube tutorials can get you up to speed in a matter of hours for zero dollars. And when you learn in context, the information tends to stick.
Being around, not reading about
Why do so few young people want to be entrepreneurs? Because they have no idea what it is. It’s not an easily defined role categorised neatly in a textbook. You can’t really know what it takes to start and run a company – or even to work in marketing or finance or development or sales… – unless you’re exposed to it. You can’t find your sweet spot if you just read about. This is why Euka provides over 120 relevant electives for Grade 9 and 10 students prior to picking Senor subjects. We want to ensure our students are clear about what they are drawn to for their futures.
The Euka electives provide examples of many kinds of work and inspire students to chase after dreams they didn’t even know existed
All of the above won’t sound different to people whose education already looks like this. Self-chosen study, hands on projects, early work experience, exposure to diverse people of diverse ages and levels of experience. That’s what Homeschool learners do.
Homeschoolers don’t even realise how far ahead of their peers they are in many ways. They’re ready for the next step in education and career evolution. They’ve been living it already.
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