
7 Things to Consider When Looking for Education Options

Are you having trouble figuring out which education options are the best for your child?

As parents, we all want the best for our children. The problem is that it can be overwhelming to figure out how to give them the best education possible. Some prefer the idea of traditional schooling but a recent increase in homeschooling has amazing advantages as well.

That’s why it’s a good idea to keep the most important details in mind before choosing. Listed below are the top concerns you’ll want to consider before selecting your child’s education program!

1. Type of Curriculum

One of the most important things you’ll want to consider is the type of curriculum given to your child. Is there a broad range of subjects, including things like art and music? Will your child have access to learn everything they need to be successful in life?

In traditional mainstream schooling, all students cover the same curriculum. The time spent on each subject is exactly the same regardless of the individual child’s gifts, talents, and interests. This means a child might not be given the opportunity to excel in areas of talent or provided with effective revision when needed.

Homeschooling, on the other hand, gives you control over the levels of the curriculum your child learns. This option allows parents to cover the full curriculum, while also deciding where they want the emphasis to be within their children’s education instead of having a one size fits all approach.

2. Direct Teaching

Another big concern for parents is the amount of one-on-one time their child has with their teacher. In a large classroom full of children, it’s almost impossible for the teacher to give specific attention to any single student. In this setting, many children feel uncomfortable asking questions and as a result it the child’s learning is compromised. 

In a homeschooling environment, the learning can move at the child’s pace. In an atmosphere of acceptance, they can ask questions and spend extra time on areas as needed or desired. 

3. Playtime

Time dedicated to playing is such an important part of a child’s growth. They can’t have a complete education without it. They learn social skills and maintain a healthy body all while reducing stress.

This is why you’ll want to consider how much playtime your child gets in comparison to their studies. Since traditional schooling needs to break up playtime amongst many groups, playtime is often shorter. 

At home, the parents can ensure that learning and playtime are blended to suit the child’s own needs. Schooling becomes part of family time, rather than separate from it. This allows for afternoons and excursions with homeschool groups and a far more relaxed style of schooling.

4. Learning Environment

What kind of educational environment do you envision for your child? 

In addition to these concerns, you’ll also want to take into consideration the overall ambience of the environment. Is it a place that your child enjoys being at for many hours of the day? Are there many resources available to aid in the learning process?

Homeschooling makes it easy to personalise the environment to be a perfect learning place for your child. You’ll have the opportunity to create the learning environment that specifically suits your child. This gives them a sense of control in a situation where they often don’t have much input in a traditional education system.

5. Time Commitment

You are teaching your child from the time they are born. As a result, most parents discover how natural the process is. Schooling your child at home requires some changes to the way you structure your time. Before choosing one education option over the other, you’ll want to take the time to think about how you will accommodate these changes.

The good news is that many parents work from home while homeschooling. Having a good timetable in place is a helpful tool that makes it easy to stay on track.

It’s also important to choose a program that provides the necessary instruction. A teacher-written program that enables students to work independently is one of the best options because your child will then be capable of working through their work with little assistance.

6. Transportation

Knowing how their children arrive at school is a big concern for many parents. Depending on where you live in comparison to the traditional school building, it could be a difficult endeavour to get them to school. It might even cut into your working hours if you need to drive your child to school every day.

When leaving your child to walk or bike to school, there are always safety concerns that often causes stress and anxiety.

If you prefer to have your child avoid all of these problems, homeschooling is a great option. Your child doesn’t need to go far if the school is right at home!

7. Personal Values

We all have our own personal values that we hold in high regard. We want to teach our children the same values that we cherish but that’s difficult to do if you don’t have any input in your child’s education.

In a traditional school setting, the teachers select the lessons and the point of view in which they’re given. Schooling at home allows you to cater to your personal values as you teach your child the same lessons.

This is a great way to ensure that your child learns the values they need to be successful in life!

Homeschooling Allows You to Mix and Match Your Favorite Education Options

If you’re still weighing up the different education options for your child, then it’s time to think about homeschooling. This type of education allows you to have real input into your child’s education. This means you’ll get to ensure your child’s education is provided in a way that is most beneficial to your child, while also covering the full curriculum.

It’s the best option for parents who want to give the most to their children!

If you’re looking to start homeschooling in Australia, make sure to check out our curriculum selection. It’ll get you started on the right foot!

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